
What happens at an AFTERMIRTH gig?


You get to watch 4 brilliant comedians. It’s a normal comedy club with mature content and sweary words. We just don’t mind babies being there too. Don’t don’t bring babies over 18 months though, they tend to heckle..

We think it’s important to have a laugh when you’ve just had a baby. Momma and Dadda, you’ve been through enough.

Angie Belcher talks about AFTERMIRTH the Daytime Comedy Club for parents on BBC Points West filmed at The Wardrobe Theatre Bristol.

Upcoming AFTERMIRTH gigs

review in Bristol 247 for AFTERMIRTH

Read full article here: Just Kidding article by Steve Wright, Bristol 247

Now, local funny girl Angie Belcher has created a special type of comedy gig for a particular type of comedy fan: new parents.

Inspired by her recent foray into motherhood, Angie has dreamed up a very different addition to the comedy landscape: the Daytime (Baby) Comedy Depot, a comedy club where babies are welcome.
— By Steve Wright, Bristol 247